
Capitalism is poisoning us

Capitalism is poisoning your body

Each and every day, in a myriad of ways, your body is being subjected to an increasingly elaborate series of poisons and toxins. Moreover, there’s practically nothing you can do about it. Such a pronouncement may, on the surface, sound like the proclamation of a conspiracy theorist. Unfortunately, it’s verifiable fact – supported by an…

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COP28 – 28th time lucky? No chance.

It has been one week since COP28 convened. Expectations for any COP, never mind one held in the United Arab Emirates – one of the world’s top 10 oil-producing nations – and chaired by the chief executive of the UAE’s biggest state-owned oil company – should always be low. After all, this is the 28th…

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Panama killings

The glorification of the murder of Panamanian environmental activists is no accident

Coldblooded murder: Two Panamanian environmental activists were murdered in cold blood on Tuesday. They’d been protesting against Canadian mining operations in a rainforest, which critics say will “devastate” the land and poison drinking water. The activists, who’d set up a roadblock on a major road some 55-miles outside of Panama City, were gunned down by…

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climate activists

If the climate movement is to succeed, it needs to work with working people, not against them

The Professional Class: The climate crisis, which is in reality a complex convergence of ecological calamities, is the political issue of our time. All other issues are subordinate to it, assuming the survival of the human species is considered to be a priority. In which case, formulating a solution is an existential project – something…

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